How to choose the best pram for you
No amount of research can prepare most of us for the reality that is parenthood! The highs, the lows, the tantrums, the toothless smiles – it’s a miraculous journey and one that is peppered with adventure.
But no matter where you live – city, town or country - or the lifestyle you lead, whether as a single parent or a large family - that adventure is made a little easier with some friendly advice and that’s what we’re here for!
A pushchair is an investment and in this section we’ll look at how to choose the right one for your individual family requirements (an all-terrain or a one-handed folding stroller) as well as one that reflects your lifestyle and needs (including the colour and style of fabric).
As ever, if you have any questions, queries or concerns – we’ll do our best to help.
Best pram for urban life - City, town travel systems
A travel system is essentially a versatile pushchair with a baby car seat that can be used from birth to toddler years. Some travel systems also incorporate a carrycot, making it easier to transport a sleeping baby.
For city or town-dwellers, a stylish, lightweight and compact travel system is the way forward. No-one wants to be lugging a heavy pushchair on to the bus or train; a one-handed fold and compact design is far essential, as well as one with plenty of space for shopping bags!
Find out more about city strollers here.
Best pram for countryside walks - Rural, countryside pushchair
For parents wanting to explore the great outdoors and get off the beaten track with baby, a travel system that can handle a wide range of surfaces is crucial. For easy manoeuvring over tough, rugged terrain, an off-road pushchair with large tyres and all-wheel suspension is ideal and with the British weather being so changeable, don’t forget a raincover and a hood to protect from drizzle, blustery wind or bright sunlight.
Find out more here about pushchairs suited to rural life here.
Best pushchair for travel
Whether it’s a day trip on a train, visiting Granny and Grandad, or traveling further afield, there’s a lot to consider (and pack). One of the most important things to get right when travelling with young children is the pushchair.
Click to read more about choosing the best pushchair for travelling with baby.
Pushchair fabric trends - Pushchair fabric
Pushchairs are no longer simply a way to transport baby from A to B. Thanks to advances in engineering and fashion, they have become a way to express our individual style with fabrics playing a key role. From light and cool, to warm and cosy, strong and vibrant to delicate and pretty, parents can now choose from a plethora of fabrics, patterns, designs and colourways to suit their personality and lifestyle.
Click to read more about choosing the right fabric for your pushchair.
Advice For Modern Parents - Parenting advice
The times are a-changing and while the pressures of modern life brings more choice, more information and more opportunities, that’s coupled with time pressures and increased expectations. It can be hard to cut through the bewildering amount of ‘advice’ to find a trustworthy source of parenting information that works for today’s parents. While mums and grandparents mean well, their experiences of parenthood are often outdated.
Read on to find out about accessing every day advice for modern parents